The growth visions of the companies should be in line with the sensitive use of the resources they use. Because we foresee that with the green agreement, business models that will increase material efficiency in the supply chain, reduce production costs and increase competitiveness will be more reflected in the financial statements. In the EU's growth model in June 2020 on the same issue, it was emphasized that developments in the long-term supply chain should be experienced. As ARKAD YAPI, by following environmentally friendly technologies closely and adapting ourselves where necessary; we aim to contribute to the renewal of the industry by investing in R&D and innovation for the future.

Our Mission
We are committed to developing and implementing hydroponic greenhouses using advanced technology and eco-friendly materials. Through collaborations with universities, offering accredited training, and utilizing skilled professionals, our mission is to build a system that reduces water and energy consumption while producing organic, healthy products for international markets. Additionally, we strive to contribute to local and global communities by creating jobs and enhancing knowledge in sustainable agriculture.

Our Vision
We aim to create a green and sustainable future where innovative technologies and modern approaches to agriculture preserve the environment and provide widespread job opportunities globally. Our goal is to become leaders in the hydroponic industry and sustainable food production on a global scale, advancing both resource conservation and quality of life improvement.